日本財団 図書館


b)Spontaneous combustible substances - Any substance likely to generate heat or ignite spontaneously under the normal conditions of air transport by means of friction, absorption of humidity or chemical change, etc.;
c)Other combustible substances - Any substance which will generate flammable gases on reaction with water;
(5)Oxidative substances - Substances listed in any of the following categories;
a)Oxidative substances - Any Substance other than an organic substances with the potential for oxidising other substances;
b)Organic peroxide substances - Organic substances with the potential for oxidising other substances;
(6)Poisonous substances - Any substance listed in any of the following categories;
a)Poisonous substances - Any substance which induces severe toxicity upon inhalation, ingestion or on contact with the skin.
b)Infectious materials - My live pathogen or any substances which contain a live pathogen or is recognised as stained with a pathogen;
(7)Radioactive materials etc. - Radioactive materials (nuclear fuel materials under Article 1 paragraph 2 of the law for the Regulations of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Rcactors(Law No.166, 1957), radioisotopes under Article 2 paragraph 2 of the law concerming Prevention of Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotopes, etc. (law No.167, 1957), and medical supplies as stipulated under Article 2 paragph 1 of the Pharmaceutical Affiurs law (Law No.145, 1960)or any material used in medical devices ~ch spontaneously emit ionising radiation)and material containing radioactive impurities thereby with a radioactive density of 74 Bq (Becquerel)or more per gram as stipulated under paragraph 4 of the same Article;
(8)Corrosive substances - Any substance which preduces severe damage through chemical reaction on contact with living tissue or any substance which in the case of leakage damages materials in the aircraft structure, cargo etc.
(9)Other dangerous/hazardous substances - Any substances other than those described in the preceding subparagraphs and which may cause damage to persons or may cause damage to other goods;
(10)Fireams and swords, etc. - Firearms and swords, etc., as specified under Article 5-(2)paragraph 2 subparagraph 2 of the law controlling Possession, etc. of Firearms and Swords ~No.6, 1958).


2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, none of the goods specified in the following subparagraphs shall be included in the goods specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport under Article 86 paragaph 1 of the law:
(1)Any goods designated in the Notification (except radioactive materials etc.)and transported in accordance with the standards specified in the following paragraph.
a)Goods in compliance with the standards designated in the Notification;





